19 November, 2010

So he's starting this again...

I took a break for a bit. The time was right, and I had finished what I had to say for the moment. However, I'm looking forward to making this a regular habit again, with some other experiments that I've been toying with for some time. Most are still evolving, some will soon be ripe for the light of day, and one (if you ask politely) you can see in its Petri dish.

Specifically, it would be really nice to get the book reviews again. Since last February, a lot of interesting titles (and re-reads) such as House of Leaves, Lord of the Rings, Absurdisation, and 1984. Every now and again, it feels nice to return to a well-worm favorite novel.

All things said, to write is to feel good. It can often be depressing to realize how low the ratio is of the culture you create to the culture which you consume; even the act of inane web-postings is like watching the release of a dammed river.

Let's see if this starts...

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