10 January, 2010

The biggest problem with employment is that performing a task for money severely hinders my time for books. Between the December 23 and January 2, I was able to take-down and review at least three readings, and was able to get started on several more. In fact, in the time that I've run this quasi-periodical rant, there's been a definite time compenent to posting frequency with school vacations. The issue remains that I would like to post on a regular basis, but my duties elsewhere draw away from time which can always be better spent reading (most times in life are, in fact, improved with a book in hand).

So Tilting at Windmills will embark on a new adventure for the next couple of weeks, where reviews of webcomics-- my daily dose of small-scale reading regularity (ah, alliteration!). As webcomics go, familiarity and reading-times are not issues, just finding time to write them up will be the key to providing daily updates. While I'm not too sure how many readers out there (all 3 of you) participate in the webcomics subculture, but there is a strong following within the geek community, and I'll see how this goes. As always, I'm looking for input; there are about fifteen posts which I have in mind to begin with, but if you have any suggestions, I'm more than happy to broaden my horizons.

Incidentally, the books will probably slow down for a while (see working above), but I randomly found a nonfiction about maps of all things, which has been nerdishly addictive. Additionally, I've finally started House of Leaves, which I've been looking forward to for a while. I look forward to reviewing both soon.

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