31 March, 2008

If evil has a flavor, it must taste like Robitussin.

So today was the first actual, realistic sick day I've had in a while. In light of the first week-long sickness I've had in a long time, I appreciate "mental health days" all the more. However, you can never shake that feeling that when you're home alone doing nothing, that you're just wasting time. Well, not wasted, I watched Snakes on a Plane, which is an oh-my-goodness terrible movie in the MST3K tradition. I strongly recommend that you watch this, as the people who made it were absolutely serious about this half-baked idea of a film.

On a sidebar, if you happen to see my wife, please inform her that she is an absolutely wonderful and selfless woman. Meg -- despite her own full plate-- has been doing a fantastic job of taking care of me these last few days and I owe her everything.
If I think of more to say, I might add some later, but I can say that the usual philosophy is absent today.

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