28 June, 2007

Not a lot today. Meg and I will be going to Vermont for the next week (not that its really news, see two posts back). Once again, I have determined that temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit do, in fact, suck. This has made me more annoyed than usual at my seeming inability to find a job.

Last night, Meg and I went to Tree Top with Matt and his wife. We don't have that many "couple-friends", so that was nice...

Yeah, it's pretty boring, isn't it? I have a sneaking suspicion that I will slowly go mad without finding much to do this summer. I really need a job or a breakthrough in writing/physics/lottery/whathaveyou.

More details perhaps later. As this is the first actual post in a long, long time, I am tempted to begin ranting yet again about my opinions of the world, but with company coming soon(?) in the form of extended family, and the fact that I will not be able to keep up this momentum through next week, I think that I should avoid soapboxing.


27 June, 2007

Ah, from viewing how pathetic the most recent post looks, I evidently cannot use Blogger. So much for instant gratification

22 June, 2007

If anyone does, in fact, read this, please leave a comment. I'm feeling a bit lonely on the web today. It's also nice to know whether or not I'mjust screaming at the darkness
If anyone does, in fact, actually read this, please leave a comment. I'm feeling particularly lonely on the web today